Taking on Representation through Documentary, Animation and the “Green Screen” (chroma key), April 2016

Co-wreck the Record

We launched our first workshop in collaboration with the Journalism department.

Our goal was to see how we might create one film from the contributions of several participants and the final result was a short film called “Co-wreck the Record.” We also hosted workshops in Rotoscope with Professor Matt Soar, and Podcasting with Journalism Instructor, AJ Cordeiro. We were thrilled when Julie Anne, our diploma student instructor who led students in Green Screen workshops got a job with Wapikoni following the workshop. 

Partners and Participants

Liz Miller
Julie Anne Bautista Beauchesn
AJ Cordeiro
Matt Soar

Naomi Condo, Ray, Craig and Chris

Jason Lewis
Elizabeth Fast
Ezra Winton
Sonia Bonspille Boileau
Karl Hele

Representation, The Truth about our Stories (prompt from Thomas King)

Green screen, podcast, collective documentary

Collaborating Departments:

Shaping Stories Across Platforms:
Watch the making-of Co-Wreck the Record